On March 1, Akira Toriyama, the creator of the manga Dragon Ball (Dragon Pearls), died. The cause of death was an acute subdural hematoma. Akira Toriyama was 68 years old.

Akira Toriyama, born in April 1955 in Aichi Prefecture, has become known for his creations, most notably the manga Dragon Ball, first published in 1985. It tells the story of Son Goku and his friends on their quest for the seven dragon pearls. The manga became a cult favorite and sold more than 160 million copies in Japan alone, and more than 260 million copies worldwide.

Bird Studio said that the farewell to Akira Toriyama was held in a small circle of family and a small group of relatives. The studio also noted that it was not accepting flowers or gifts in connection with the artist's passing, and asked people to refrain from asking questions of his family members.